Saturday, April 18, 2009

The kid has a walker!

Aiden has had a rough couple of weeks. After a bout of the stomach flu, he now has a cold! The poor guy can't catch a break. I guess that is what happens when you are in play group with other kidlets...germs, germs, germs!
On a bright note, we have gotten him a musical walker which he loves. He cannot steer it, cannot control it, and often flips it over and lands on it...but boy does he love to try to run around the house!


Random Oldies

Here are some old videos that we never put up on the site! They are in order of oldest to newest. I can't believe he used to be so little!


Getting Clean

Whiny Slumper

Mirror Image

Jamband Commentary

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Aiden enjoyed his first Easter, although I don't think he got the concept of the Easter Bunny. He seemed to have fun destroying the baskets!

Raking those gums

Bunny Boys
First Baskets
Happy Easter, all!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Water Boy

Aiden loves water, no matter if it is real or just a toy!

