We have been working with Aiden on trying to potty-train before the new babies arrive. The results go back and forth. Some days we go several days without a diaper or accidents, and some days he insists on wearing a diaper. We don't want to push him too hard, but the day is coming where there will be no more diapers. He was doing so great the other day that Daddy bought him a little treat of a sucker and coloring book. As you can see, he really enjoys the sucker!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Snow Shoveling
Aiden and Daddy braved our most recent snowstorm to get out there and shovel the driveway. Aiden was quite the helper and was loving getting the "ice balls" off the driveway. Afterwards Daddy pulled him around the neighborhood in his saucer sled, but he doesn't like going down hills on it. When they came in, Mommy made the chilly boys hot cocoa (which Aiden hadn't had before and loved!) and soup. The perfect end to a snowy day.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Painting the Room for the Babies
Aiden loves to help, so we let him paint some swatches on the wall for the babies' new room. He seems to really be understanding the pregnancy now. He likes to say "two babies in mommy's tummy...twins!" and "hi, babies". We have been reading him his books about pregnancy and being a big brother and he loves to talk about how the doctor measures my tummy and listens for the heartbeats. He has agreed to share his toys with the babies, but not his little rocking chair.